An epidemic?

by Anon

Ines Dawson cut her hair quite short. I don't blame her. She gave ample warnings and did plenty of explaining as to why she was doing it. She even put it off for a whole year just to celebrate it a little while longer before her cut.

@Official_Amber_Renae also just cut her hair, although the pics aren't up yet. She's getting a lot of hate apparently over it, which is sad. Her situation, like her friend @notnina, is a little different than Dr Dawson, who posts mainly on advanced scientific concepts within academic circles. Amber and Nina both gained attention and fame specifically due to their hair length. They are free to do as they choose of course, but it does seem counterproductive to the images they've cultivated.

Orysya's sudden cut has also been mentioned here, no need to rehash it.

But then both @Haartraum and lopped off a significant amount of hair. @Haartraum, who has shown nothing but love for her hair and last posted a goal to try and get to terminal, suddenly seems to have lost the love for her knee length hair. It's now at classic. Still very long, but a bit of a shock since she doesn't intend to grow it again. went from ankle to knee to improve health and thickness. Both are still very long haired, but it is a surprise. posted on Marishka's page that she'll be cutting her hair soon too.

Gossamer P also cut her hair, just a bit, from past floor to calf length. She's been saying she'd be doing it for years and it's still super long, but the timing is very coincidental with all the rest.

Some of this is surely coincidental, but there seems to be a shared feeling of long hair fatigue manifesting across these women. I hope it's not becoming a trend that crosses over from a few major cuts to something so widespread that other longhaired women begin to feel the pressure to cut some length off to prove something.