Chapter 2 now posted!

by HairAddict67

Indeed I have posted chapter 2 of my hair fetish, harem literotica series! I submitted chapter 3 at the same time, but it is still pending. However, the cite says that it should be up around the 11th of this month. So just a couple more days!

Hopefully by then I will have chapter 4 done as well and will be able to submit that one. However, I warn that I do sometimes lose inspiration to write, so now that I have these chapters up, it might take some time in between chapters.

However, I am so happy at the response I've gotten on them so far! I hope to continue them and also to write other story lines for you all to enjoy.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Mostly these stories are spawned from my own fantasies, but I love getting new ideas. I already am inspired by the comment of grabbing Angel's bangs and using them to move her head around. You can be sure that will be in either chapter 4 or 5.

Hope you all keep enjoying!

Link to Chapter 2: