2015 Long Hair Celebs of the Year

by Chris

Who would your choices be?

I did a list like this last year and thought I'd do another this year.

A couple things to mention:

1. You may or may not agree with my personal choices, but these female celebrities (actresses, athletes, public figures, online celebs, etc.) impressed me the most with their long hair this year overall over the course of the year. The pictures below are merely representing each woman. It's too hard to pick one picture that does their long hair justice.

2. I'm aware everyone has their personal definition of what constitutes "long" when it comes to long hair. But for me, at the very least, I'm going with shoulder-length or lower. If you agree with that, fine. If you don't, I don't care. To each his own.

Anya - Well at least she ended her career on a high, or long note to be more appropriate, when it came to her long hair. This picture is from her last video.


Selena Gomez

Andie MacDowell

Anna Kendrick

Amy Adams

Julianne Moore

Kate Middleton

America Ferrera

Gina Rodriguez

Olivia Munn

Lucy Liu

Liv Tyler

Honorable Mentions:

Allison Williams

Jessica Chastain

Salma Hayek

Eva Longoria

Danica Patrick

Angie Harmon