1) I would never bring her back to the States and risk her getting corrupted by Feminism. It's a disease here-- example, another girl (American) I was involved with earlier this year (before my Russian one), she had shoulder length hair, and I don't remember exactly what I said but basically told her I preferred longer hair on women, and she said, and I quote, "don't throw your gender views on me..." :o
For this reason and several others actually, I got rid of that American girl soon after, and I was never more relieved to do so.
Nonetheless, even if my Russian girl does think Feminism is a joke, which she has admitted, I still wouldn't bring her to the States for that reason most of all.
2) As for me being a ticket to the States, she was actually married to an American several years ago as she came here for some temporary Visa program the US has. However, he was an asshole apparently and she dumped him before the Green Card interview, moved back home to Russia, and divorced him through the mail, apparently? Moral of the story, I'm not worried about me being a path to a Green Card as a result... she is a good woman and again, I just want to see where things can go with her. Hoping for the best!