Re: Re: Re: Re: Penny

by Anya

Ninja Kiss

I can't speak about the effects of hair bleaching because I've never done it.. however, nowadays hair 'coloring' has improved & gentler products are on the market to help minimalize whatever 'trauma' it may cause to the hair.

BUT... more to the point, you guys post pics of blondes all the time.. you think ALL of them are naturally blonde? lol

Yet guys aren't passing judgement/voicing their 'sorrow' on THOSE women like they've been doing to Penny.

I can imagine her feelings getting hurt by reading some of the comments on this board, when in fact, it's her business alone on how she wears her hair. I honestly don't feel she did anything to her hair to intentionally hurt anyone or piss anyone off... the lady wanted a change, something different, and that's perfectly normal. She knows her hair better than anyone & I'm sure if she felt it would have put it in jeopardy, she wouldn't have done it.

